Annals of Microbiology and Research

 ISSN: 2642-4533

Annals of Microbiology and Research

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Table of Content: Volume 7, Issue 1

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Research Article Pages 155-169

Probiotic Potential of Indian Traditional Fermented Foods to Combat Listeriosis

Authors: Priyanshi M Jain and Rajagopal Kammara

Abstract: Due to their great nutritional content, certain traditional fermented foods and beverages from India have gained recognition on a global scale. In northeast India, fermented foods like pickles and bamboo beverages are widely consumed and well-liked. Probiotics found in fermented foods have been linked to better health. Probiotics are living bacteria that offer a number of health advantages when taken in the appropriate amounts. Beneficial bacteria improve immunity and digestion, which helps to avoid cancer and metabolic diseases like diabetes. The most widely used probiotics that have been identified from fermented foods include Bifidobacteria species, Lactococcus lactis, and Lactobacillus acidophilus. As fundamental characteristics, probiotics have antibacterial action, acid tolerance, and bile tolerance.

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